Office Accommodation,Walthamstow,E17 3AP,B1 , Let
1355 sq ft ( 125.8795 sq m)
Size: 1355Sq ft | Property Type: Office Accommodation Tenure: Leasehold | Area: Walthamstow | Postcode: E17 3AP
Bennett Phillips Luton
199a High Road
IG10 4LF
Self-Contained 1st & 2nd Floor Offices
Approx 1,355 sq ft (126m2)
185a Hoe Street
Walthamstow London E17 3AP
Comprising self-contained offices over 1st & 2nd floors which have access both from Hoe Street & the rear via a metal staircase. The space is principally laid out to provide a reception area, 8 offices of varying sizes, kitchen, 2 x WC’s & a small under stair storage cupboard (housing the gas meter & electric board). There are also storage cupboards on the 2nd floor landing which could be extended slightly. We are currently awaiting confirmation whether any car parking can be made available and if so at what additional cost. Approximate floor areas are as follows: Reception – 120sq ft (11.16m sq) 8 x offices – 1,152 sq ft (107.13m sq) Kitchen – 47sq ft (14.53 m sq) Storage cupboard (meters) 18sq ft (1.67m sq) 2nd floor landing (storage) 18sq ft (1.67m sq) Total 1,355sq ft (126.01m sq)
Town Centre Location Double glazed windows 2 mins walk from Walthamstow Central Station & Bus Terminal Temperature Control Units (not tested) Alarm (not tested) Car Parking - To Be Confirmed
A new effectively FRI Sub-Lease is to be made available for a term to be agreed, subject to a single upward only rent review within the term, not to extend beyond 31st July 2029 when our clients Head Lease expires.
£20,500 pax payable quarterly in advance.
Rateable Value 2022/2023 - £21,750 Rates Payable 2022/2023 - £11,136 per annum
The ingoing tenant is to be responsible for our client’s reasonable legal fees borne in this transaction. ADMINISTRATIVE FEE: Upon terms being agreed and prior to Solicitor’s being instructed, the prospective tenant or purchaser is to pay an administrative fee of £500 plus VAT to Bennett Phillips Luton. This fee will cover all associated administrative costs including any referencing fees incurred. In the event that the Landlord or Vendor withdraws from the transaction once solicitors are instructed, 50% of the fee will be refunded.
Upon completion of legalities although no sooner than 5th August 2022, to coincide with the expiry of the current lease unless otherwise agreed.
By prior appointment only
The Government has today released the proposed changes to the Use Classes Order which relates to land within England onl..